Ever wondered what the difference is between plant-based and being vegan?

Are they just synonyms of one another or is there more to it?

‘Vegan’ is more mainstream to understand, but many consider themselves ‘plant-based’ but are cautious to say it, as it’s not a mainstream term yet.

There’s also something about the word ‘vegan’ that gets people riled up.

It comes with negative connotations attached to it. I don’t know what it is, I’m not even sure they know what it is. Maybe it’s associated with extremism in the eyes of some?

But saying you are ‘vegetarian’ or ‘plant-based,’ friends and family seem more at ease with these terms.

‘Plant-based’ is of course the newest term to grow in popularity.

People’s new openness to plant-based eating is enabling us to change culture and even they way we see veganism. It’s breaking down the barriers.

But, they are just words at the end of the day.

The two words ‘vegan’ and plant-based’ have become interchangeable with one another, but they don’t necessarily mean the same thing.

It’s 2020, do we need to identify with one or the other?

Anyways. Let’s dig deeper and then you can decide!

the difference between plant based and vegan

What Is Being Vegan?

Veganism may not be just a diet for some.

Vegans will likely have no animal products in ALL aspects of their lives.

This includes food and drink, but also potentially beauty products, clothing, shoes and just about anything else you can think of.

Materials can include leather, fur and silk in clothing. Did you know even shellac gel polish for your nails isn’t vegan? It has something from beetles to give it the shine.

Veganism is a stricter way of life.

It’s often a level of devotion that tends to be more dedicated over plant-based. Strict vegans are more rigid with their habits and hold themselves accountable to their beliefs.

According to The Vegan Society, “Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.”

But what about the vegan diet?!

A vegan diet looks to exclude all meat, fish, dairy and eggs. It may include more man-made foods such as tofu, soy, potato chips and cookies. Often it’s not about health, but rather ethical and moral beliefs relating to the environment and animal welfare.

But – and here’s where it gets confusing – it has become more common for someone to call themselves ‘vegan’ even if they only eat a vegan diet. The meaning of the word is evolving to be narrower, meaning it is now becoming more ambiguous.

what is plant-based

What Is A Plant-Based Diet?

Due to the similarities, such as the elimination of animal-based products, it’s easy to see why both may be thought of as the same.

A plant-based diet has a focus on eating whole foods derived from plants only, avoiding animal products, processed or refined foods.

It has the nutritional edge over eating vegan. The longer term, which is widely used, is ‘whole foods plant-based diet.’

I’m even seeing everywhere now ‘WFPB’ as well.

This type of diet emphasizes eating a diet predominately based on fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts, grains and seeds.

For example Oreos, Beyond Meat Burgers or tofu are all vegan, but they are not necessarily whole foods plant-based as they didn’t come out of the ground in that form, they are considered as processed and are made in a factory.

A whole foods plant based diet still cuts out animal based foods. If someone who is coming for dinner tells you that they are plant-based, I definitely recommend serving them no animal products whatsoever. They’ll love your cooking, if only for the fact you just served them yummy plant-based whole foods.

To be someone who eats a plant-based diet, you are not necessarily following the same traits as a strict vegan, meaning you may not be cutting out leather or beauty products tested on animals. To be whole foods plant-based just refers to your diet.


Eating plant-based doesn’t have to be complicated. This Complete Plant-Based Diet Foods List makes grocery shopping quick, easy and delicious.

Okay But What’s The Difference?

Veganism is a lifestyle choice, while a whole foods plant-based diet is just about eating whole plant foods.

Even though both the vegan diet and the plant-based diet may have the word ‘diet’ included, neither of them are a diets at all. They are not about calorie restrictions, they are both a style of eating.

Which One Is Right For Me?

Motivation is ultimately what might be the starting point for deciding. The why.

Generally speaking, people adopting a vegan diet might be prompted to switch away from meat for the environment or animal welfare.

People adopting a plant-based diet will be thinking of their health. They may also be thinking of the environment and animal welfare but their health will be important to them as well.

definition of veganism


Animal Welfare

Did you know that 99% of land animals raised in America come from factory farms?

According to Animal Equity, 56 billion land animals per year are slaughtered in the United States alone. This figure excludes fish and other aquatic life.

Animals are sentient beings, with intelligence, thoughts and feelings. They feel love, joy, happiness, fear and pain.

The culture we were raised in normalises the immoral and unnecessary behaviour of the slaughtering of animals. We can’t change the past, but we can make changes for the future based on our beliefs of how we thing animals should be treated.

Health Benefits

The healthiest diet a human can consume is a well balanced whole foods plant-based diet. This has been proven time and time again, with Harvard and Oxford Universities standing by it, as well as the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and The Dietetic Association and many more!

Eating a plant-based whole foods diet, you’ll feel stronger, healthier and happier for it. The health perks include prevention against chronic diseases, improved gut health, improved fitness and even glowing skin!

You are statistically less likely to be obese, plant foods aid loosing weight plus you may even live longer.

Check out The 8 Best Health Perks Of A Vegan Plant-Based Diet for more info.


As a planet, we are in trouble, big trouble.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) recently labeled meat as “the world’s most urgent problem.”

We have been given this beautiful and bio-diverse planet, but we are destroying it.

We exploit our habitable planet and its dwindling natural resources unnecessarily and we don’t give enough back.

We have no grip on our rapidly exploding world population numbers and the resulting increase in animal agriculture.

Every single bite we consume has some form of environmental impact.

The consumption of meat carries a much bigger carbon footprint than that of eating just a plant-based diet.

If you’re looking for something positive you can do for the Earth, then your plate is the best place to start.

A plant-based diet has around 10% of the environmental impact of a meat-eater diet.

plant based vegan

How Did We End Up With All Of These Different Words?

Veganism has been around for donkey’s years. Tribes have been following the diet for centuries.

It can be tracked back to some ancient Indian and eastern Mediterranean societies.

Vegetarianism can be tracked back to around 500 BC from a greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagorus of Samos.

Followers of Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism advocated vegetarianism and believed humans should not inflict pain on animals.

The first vegetarian society was born in 1847 in England.

The term ‘veganism’ was coined in 1944 by a British wood worker named Donald Watson. He wanted to create and new term for those who didn’t eat meat but also dairy and eggs.

‘Plant-based’ was a term coined by the documentary talking head biochemist Colin T. Campbell. in 1980. He used it to present his research and findings.

Why Are We Now Using Two Words?

If you ever have told some of your friends that you’re now trying out a ‘vegan’ diet, chances are they’ve had some fun with it.

Jokes have been made, teasing has become the norm. “Carla, if I give you $1000 will you eat this steak?” …queue table breaking out in laughter.

It’s because when you no longer align with mainstream societal norms, people feel threatened and their response is to defend.

Many it’s because being vegan is seen as being too ‘goody goody.’

The jokes are harmless for the most part and I even find most of it quite funny myself.

But the term ‘plant-based’ has made people stand down. It has it bridged the gap between the anti-vegan and the vegan.

Attitudes have become increasingly tolerant. The acceptance of ‘plant-based’ has meant that veganism is getting a boost from a halo effect.

It’s just a shift in perception, but it’s been crucial in the wide-spread acceptance of both veganism and plant-based diets.

what does plant based mean

Can You Be Both At The Same Time?

Absolutely! Plant-based is a type of veganism. It’s not uncommon to be both or flit between the two when just referring to your diet.

Many people start by cutting out animal products from their diets but then progress into cutting back animal products from their clothes and lifestyle. As they read more about the health perks, environmental reasons and animal welfare, motivations may grow and change.

More on motivations later.

There is some overlap. A vegan diet can be plant-based, but a plant-based diet isn’t necessarily vegan. As it might include the odd animal product.

If I had to pick one I would choose ‘plant-based.’ This is because I try to eat and cook plant-based foods. These are not processed and I don’t buy foods such as tofu or tempeh for the house.

I’m no saint in life, but I do just and stick to as many plant-based foods as possible, sometimes I eat wholegrain pasta and sourdough bread, but I’m only human.

I NEED the sourdough. At home, we made up a thing called ’Sourdough Saturdays.’ It just means we start the weekend off with breakfast including some sourdough toast.

Why Does It Even Matter?

A diet is something that is unique to someone and a personal choice.

The reasons why someone might choose to be vegan or plant-based can be complex.

Some love to talk about it, some hate to talk about it. Either way, the food that people choose to eat can be tied strongly to their identity, and therefore people don’t want to feel misunderstood.

vegan bread

Plant-Based Recipe Ideas

Almost all of the recipes you’ll find on this website are plant-based, with minimal processed foods included.

Some of my favorites include The ULTIMATE Vegan Shepherd’s Pie, AWESOME Asian Vegan Salad and Mexican Three Bean Vegan Chili.

The Bottom Line

Everyone’s motivations are different.

For some it’s compassion for animal welfare, for others it’s the environment or health reasons  – or perhaps it’s all three!

As time ticks on, awareness is growing of these issues.

Veganism and plant-based eating is becoming increasingly mainstream.

The two terms are becoming synonymous of each other, people’s motivations are broadening and many think they are one of the same. Marketeers have even started using the word ‘plant-based’ for meat substitutes, making it all the same thing to the consumer. It’s almost as if ‘vegan’ got rebranded with ‘plant-based’ to help it go mainstream.

It’ll be interesting to see how it pans out in time.

Language is an evolving thing and as society changes, so does language. We may start to see the two words become even more interchangeable than they already are.

If you would like to read more on the different ways people are cutting back on meat and dairy from their diet then check-out 10 Ways To be Vegan. If you are new to eating more plant-based vegan foods then check out Going Vegan In 2020 – The Ultimate Guide for Beginners.

If you’re just looking to dip your toe in the check out The Flexitarian Diet 101 – How To Eat Less Meat And More Plant-Based Foods.

If you want to read more about the misunderstandings or myths of veganism then check out Dispelling The 11 Biggest Myths: The Vegan Plant-Based Diet.

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Plant based diet vs vegan explained. What does plant based mean? What does vegan mean? The plant based meaning explained #plantbaseddiet plantbased